Is it a pastiche? Is it a homage? Is it just derivative? Whatever the (clearly deliberate) links to Taxi Driver and especially King of Comedy, Joker remains a powerful film anchored by Joaquin Phoenix’s painfully physical portrayal of Batman’s cackling nemesis. It’s not a film you forget, and brings an extra dimension to Heath Ledger’s… Read More
Tag: Robert de Niro
As powerful 30 years later as it was at the time. Many scenes are part of cinema folklore now, but even if you’ve seen the clips, the intensity of De Niro throughout reminds those who only know him from Meet the Parents onwards that he was the defining film star of the 70s, 80s and… Read More
Dross. Even Claire Danes couldn’t salvage this. How on earth the producers got the likes of De Niro and Pfeiffer to sign on is a my$$tery. 2/10